Tag Archive for Welcome


Welcome to my newly developed “Art-Blog”.  After nearly a decade of avoiding my artistic interests, or at least drawing & painting, I decided to begin what I called “The 30 Day Sketch Project” on my facebook account. It was an exersize with the purpose of starting the creative engine again.

I think it was my third or forth scan when I realized  that I was craving more than that forum could provide.   I wasn’t satisfied in  just displaying these sketches and doodles publicly.  I wanted to develop a place where I could post a scan of whatever I was working on, and go into more depth if I needed.   After some research I stumbled upon WordPress. In a strange twist of fate where history repeats itself I was left to battle logic & art.  It has been a common theme in my life. Consider that I spent college switching between Accounting, Art and Computer Science majors.

I found the software and battled databases, html and all kinds of fun stuff us online folks like. Then I searched for templates and kind of found what I wanted. That led me into editing the code behind the theme to begin to build what I wanted. After a week of being obsessed by it all – I felt confident enough to sketch out a few headers, downloaded a code snippet to randomize them and here we are.

 My hopes are to combine my art & writing so I can explore and develop my creative side more fully. This isn’t necessarily a place for only the “good stuff” either. You will most likely find the failures here too. I have no idea where this will lead. Perhaps it will flourish, maybe it will wither on the vine – so to speak – but it’s more about the process, the results are the bonus. Anyhow, in anything you do – there is something to learn and I’m determined to learn, no matter what the pace.